Monday, November 12, 2007

One hell of a traffic jam

This is one hell of a traffic jam. Can someone tell me where this photo was taken?


Unknown said...

West Wokkington Falls, Virginia during the Small Town Farting Contest and Bake-Off held each year to commemorate the shucking of three ears of corn done by Mrs. Noella Flutz on April 31, 1893.

Held each year in August because April is just too fucking cold, the festival attracts ants.

Unknown said...

On the other hand, it could be Gournisht Zu Hilfen, Afghanistan immediately prior to the election of Barnegat Blummis to the office of High Fehrtzle which he held for only 28 seconds due to an unfortunate suicide bombing by a Luella Parsons lookalike.

Auntie Kryst said...

I was there! It was the triennial celebration of Arabic Dweebs of the Known Universe and their "My God is Much Cuter and More Deadly Than Your God" Day. During this lovely and picturesque and picaresque folkloristic futuristic frantic atlantic manic depression, the celebrants (aka, "suicide bombers") self-flaggelate with whips made of armadillo foreskins removed by Rabbis hired by the Animal Planet network.

Then, bleeding like only crazed Arabs can do, they each draw a cartoon ridiculing Jews, another ridiculing Jesus and a third one ridiculing Britney Spears. They they mime a riot.

Barnegat the Blummis said...

Glumdalclitch showed her nipples to Gulliver and what was your excuse? Do Idare to eat a peach? Kleptoflutzic while Kandy Blevins steals another $800,000 from her family.