Public Gets the Chance to Vote from the 2007 Top 10 List of 'Contenders'
Ask any movie or TV buff what their favorite one-liner is and you're bound to hear such quips as "I coulda been a contender," "I'll be back" and "Is that your final answer." They're unforgettable lines that linger long after the show is over. But which are the most memorable? Boston's legendary Brigham's Ice Cream today announced the results of its first survey to find the Top 10 List of Famous One-Liners of all time.
"Sometimes it takes only a word, or just a few, to become immortalized in film and television history," said Brigham's CEO Chuck Green. "In our first Top 10 List of Famous One-Liners survey, we asked Americans which catchphrases are remembered the most. We also wanted to give the public the opportunity to vote on the one-liner that should be hailed 'King of the World.'"
As determined by the first ever Top 10 List of Famous One-Liners, the
leading contenders are:
Top 10 List (alphabetically)
1. Are you talkin' to ME? Taxi Driver
2. Go ahead. Make my day. Dirty Harry
3. Here's lookin' at you, kid. Casablanca
4. I'll be back. The Terminator
5. I'll have what she's having. When Harry Met Sally
6. Life is like a box of chocolates... Forrest Gump
7. May the force be with you. Star Wars
8. You can't handle the truth! A Few Good Men
9. You had me at hello. Jerry McGuire
10. You're gonna need a bigger boat! Jaws
The Polls Are Now Open
The public now has the chance to vote on which of the top 10 should be crowned the best one-liner of all time. Voting is now open and will close at 5pm EST on Friday, September 28. To cast a ballot, visit http://www.brighams.com or call 800-BRIGHAM (274-4426), ext.257. The election also includes the opportunity for a write-in ballot. The most famous one-liner of all time will be determined by the total number of votes received and be announced on October 1. All those who nominated the #1 pick will receive free Brigham's ice cream and be placed in a random drawing to receive a variety of prizes, including a Wii Game console-Bundle Pack and free Brigham's Pints for an entire year.
To conduct the survey, Brigham's solicited more than 1,000 consumers of all ages throughout the summer. The public was asked to suggest favorite one-liners from movies, television, sports or everyday conversations. From thousands of entries received, Brigham's compiled the Top Ten List of Famous One-Liners.
Brigham's, the makers of such favorite ice cream flavors as The Big Dig and the famous Reverse the Curse, conducted the survey in support of its first pint line that boasts notorious phrases designed to spark immediate interest and recognition, including Bada Bing and Boston You're My Home. Based on the Top 10 findings, Brigham's expects to launch future one-liner pints matched with popular movie and TV quotes. Brigham's, which was founded in 1914, offers a superior line of premium ice cream as well as elan Frozen Yogurt, which are sold throughout New England.
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